Webinar Software

Google Hangouts
Cost / Capacity:
Free - Unlimited
Audio/visual: Average
Notes: Other software uses this as a platform
Tested twice - both times blurry and distorted
Quality Insufficent

Webinars OnAir
Monthly Cost / Capacity:
$20 - 25 people
$60 - 500 people
Audio/visual: ?
Free test: NO
Notes: Runs on Google Hangouts but has more options
Not tested - Quality Insufficent

Webinar Jam Studio
Monthly Cost:
$397 per YEAR
Unlimted attendees
Audio/visual: ?
Free test: NO
Notes: Runs on Google Hangouts but has more options
Not tested - Quality Insufficent

Cisco Webex
Monthly Cost:
$100 - 100 people
$400 - 500 people
Audio/visual: ?
Free test: NO
Notes: Expensive?
Not tested

Adobe Connect
Monthly Cost:
$130 - ? Attendees
Audio/visual: ?
Free test: YES
Notes: Tried unsuccessfully a few times too complicated
Tested - Ruled Out

For companies: Pay per user

Monthly Cost:
Not advertised
Audio/visual: ?
Free test: NO - can apply for demo - have done so
Notes: Yet to see
Not tested - Unresponsive

Ready Talk
Monthly Cost:
$119 - 150 people
$319 - 500 People
(pay upfront for year)
Audio/visual: ?
Free test: NO - must pay to test
Notes: Not tested - expensive? Can try if possible
Not tested

Join Me
Monthly Cost:
$25 - 50 people
$31 - 250 people
Audio/visual: No camera share only screen (no good)
Free test: YES
Notes: Was not able to connect - try again? May be pay per person - unsuitable
Tested - Ruled out

Monthly Cost:
$49 - 25 attendees
Audio/visual: Said to be high quality
Free test: NO must pay to test
Notes: Ruled out due to expense but could test
Not tested

Free Conference Call
Monthly Cost:
Audio/visual: Terrible
Free test: YES
Notes: No good (crap actually)
Tested - Ruled Out

Zoho Meeting
Monthly Cost:
N/A (it sucks)
Audio/visual: NOTHING
Free test: YES
Notes: Screen share only
Tested - Ruled Out

Monthly Cost:
$49 - 300 people
Audio ok but cutting out
video quite consistent but pixiliated / Hangout quality
Free test: YES
Notes: One of the better ones